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Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009

USGS Arctic Oil and Gas Report, Estimates of Undiscovered Oil and Gas North of the Arctic Circle


In May 2008 a team of U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists completed an appraisal of possible future additions to world oil and gas reserves from new field discoveries in the Arctic. This Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal (CARA) evaluated the petroleum potential of all areas north of the Arctic Circle (66.56° north latitude); quantitative assessments were conducted in those geologic areas considered to have at least a 10-percent chance of one or more significant oil or gas accumulations. For the purposes of the study, a significant accumulation contains recoverable volumes of at least 50 million barrels of oil and/or oil-equivalent natural gas. The study included only those resources believed to be recoverable using existing technology, but with the important assumptions for offshore areas that the resources would be recoverable even in the presence of permanent sea ice and oceanic water depth. No economic considerations are included in these initial estimates; results are presented without reference to costs of exploration and development, which will be important in many of the assessed areas. So-called nonconventional resources, such as coal bed methane, gas hydrate, oil shale, and tar sand, were explicitly excluded from the study. Full details of the CARA study will be published later.

A number of onshore areas in Canada, Russia, and Alaska already have been explored for petroleum, resulting in the discovery of more than 400 oil and gas fields north of the Arctic Circle. These fields account for approximately 240 billion barrels (BBOE) of oil and oil-equivalent natural gas, which is almost 10 percent of the world's known conventional petroleum resources (cumulative production and remaining proved reserves). Nevertheless, most of the Arctic, especially offshore, is essentially unexplored with respect to petroleum. The Arctic Circle encompasses about 6 percent of the Earth's surface, an area of more than 21 million km2 (8.2 million mi2), of which almost 8 million km2 (3.1 million mi2) is onshore and more than 7 million km2 (2.7 million mi2) is on continental shelves under less than 500 m of water. The extensive Arctic continental shelves may constitute the geographically largest unexplored prospective area for petroleum remaining on Earth.


A newly compiled map of Arctic sedimentary basins (Arthur Grantz and others, unpublished work) was used to define geologic provinces, each containing more than 3 km of sedimentary strata. Assessment units (AUs)-mappable volumes of rock with common geologic traits-were identified within each province and quantitatively assessed for petroleum potential. Because of the sparse seismic and drilling data in much of the Arctic, the usual tools and techniques used in USGS resource assessments, such as discovery process modeling, prospect delineation, and deposit simulation, were not generally applicable. Therefore, the CARA relied on a probabilistic methodology of geological analysis and analog modeling. A world analog database (Charpentier and others, 2008) was developed using the AUs defined in the USGS World Petroleum Assessment 2000 (USGS World Assessment Team, 2000). The database includes areas that account for more than 95 percent of the world's known oil and gas resources outside the United States.

For each assessment unit, the CARA team assessed the probability (AU probability) that a significant oil or gas accumulation was present. This evaluation of AU probability was based on three geologic elements: (1) charge (including source rocks and thermal maturity), (2) rocks (including reservoirs, traps, and seals), and (3) timing (including the relative ages of migration and trap formation, as well as preservation). Each assessment unit was ranked according to its AU probability; those AUs judged to have less than a 10-percent probability of a significant accumulation were not quantitatively assessed.

In addition to the AU probability, the number of accumulations, the size-frequency distribution of accumulations, and the relative likelihood of oil versus gas were assessed for each AU and combined by means of a Monte Carlo simulation. The probabilistic results reflect the wide range of uncertainty inherent in frontier geological provinces such as those of the Arctic.

Results-Resource Summary

Within the area of the CARA, 25 provinces were quantitatively assessed; 8 provinces were judged to have less than a 10-percent probability of at least one significant accumulation in any AU and were, therefore, not assessed. Results of individual AU assessments are not reported here, but the AUs are shown as mapped areas on figure 1, where they are color-coded for the probability of at least one undiscovered accumulation of minimum size. The provinces are listed in table 1, in ranked order of total mean estimated oil-equivalent volumes of undiscovered oil, gas, and natural gas liquids (NGL). The provinces are shown in figures 2 and 3, where they have been color-coded with respect to fully risked (including AU probabilities) potential for gas and oil, respectively.

More than 70 percent of the mean undiscovered oil resources is estimated to occur in five provinces: Arctic Alaska, Amerasia Basin, East Greenland Rift Basins, East Barents Basins, and West Greenland-East Canada. More than 70 percent of the undiscovered natural gas is estimated to occur in three provinces, the West Siberian Basin, the East Barents Basins, and Arctic Alaska. It is further estimated that approximately 84 percent of the undiscovered oil and gas occurs offshore. The total mean undiscovered conventional oil and gas resources of the Arctic are estimated to be approximately 90 billion barrels of oil, 1,669 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, and 44 billion barrels of natural gas liquids.


Charpentier, R.R., Klett, T.R., and Attanasi, E.D.,
2008, Database for assessment unit-scale analogs
(exclusive of the United States): U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 2007-1404

USGS World Assessment Team, 2000, U.S. Geological
Survey World Petroleum Assessment 2000-Description and
Results: U.S. Geological Survey Digital Data Series -
DDS60 [http://pubs.usgs.gov/dds/dds-060/].
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Mount Etna - Italy

Mount Etna: Introduction

Mount Etna is Europe’s highest and most active volcano. Towering above the city of Catania on the island of Sicily, it has been growing for about 500,000 years and is in the midst of a series of eruptions that began in 2001. It has experienced a variety of eruption styles, including violent explosions and voluminous lava flows. More than 25% of Sicily’s population lives on Etna’s slopes, and it is the main source of income for the island, both from agriculture (due to its rich volcanic soil) and tourism.

Mount Etna: Plate Tectonic Setting

Mount Etna is associated with the subduction of the African plate under the Eurasian plate, which also produced Vesuvius and Campi Flegrei, but is part of a different volcanic arc (the Calabrian rather than Campanian). A number of theories have been proposed to explain Etna’s location and eruptive history, including rifting processes, a hot spot, and intersection of structural breaks in the crust. Scientists are still debating which best fits their data, and are using a variety of methods to build a better image of the Earth’s crust below the volcano.

Mount Etna: Eruption History

Etna’s eruptions have been documented since 1500 BC, when phreatomagmatic eruptions drove people living in the eastern part of the island to migrate to its western end. The volcano has experienced more than 200 eruptions since then, although most are moderately small. Etna’s most powerful recorded eruption was in 1669, when explosions destroyed part of the summit and lava flows from a fissure on the volcano’s flank reached the sea and the town of Catania, more than ten miles away. This eruption was also notable as one of the first attempts to control the path of flowing lava. The Catanian townspeople dug a channel that drained lava away from their homes, but when the diverted lava threatened the village of Paterno, the inhabitants of that community drove away the Catanians and forced them to abandon their efforts. An eruption in 1775 produced large lahars when hot material melted snow and ice on the summit, and an extremely violent eruption in 1852 produced more than 2 billion cubic feet of lava and covered more than three square miles of the volcano’s flanks in lava flows. Etna’s longest eruption began in 1979 and went on for thirteen years; its latest eruption began in March 2007, and is still ongoing.

About the Author

Jessica Ball is a graduate student in the Department of Geology at the State University of New York at Buffalo. Her concentration is in volcanology, and she is currently researching lava dome collapses and pyroclastic flows. Jessica earned her Bachelor of Science degree from the College of William and Mary, and worked for a year at the American Geological Institute in the Education/Outreach Program. She also writes the Magma Cum Laude blog, and in what spare time she has left, she enjoys rock climbing and playing various stringed instruments.
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Diamond Mineral Uses & Properties

The world's most popular gemstone. -- The hardest natural substance known.

Diamond is a fascinating mineral. It is chemically resistant and it is the hardest known natural substance. These properties make it suitable for use as a cutting tool and for other uses where durability is required. Diamond also has special optical properties such as a high index of refraction, high dispersion and high luster. These properties help make diamond the world's most popular gemstone.

What is Diamond?

Diamond is a rare, naturally occurring mineral composed of carbon. Each carbon atom in a diamond is surrounded by four other carbon atoms and connected to them by strong covalent bonds. This simple, uniform, tightly bonded arrangement yields one of the most durable substances known.

Where Do Diamonds Form?

Diamonds are not native to Earth's surface. Instead they form at high temperatures and pressures that occur in Earth's mantle about 100 miles down. Diamonds are brought to Earth's surface by volcanic eruptions. Instead of melting and being transported to the surface as a melt, the diamonds are carried to the surface in large pieces of mantle rock known as xenoliths. The diamonds are produced either by mining the rock which contains the xenoliths or by mining the soils and sediments that formed as the diamond-bearing rock weathered away.

Gem Diamonds vs. Industrial Diamonds

Gemstone diamonds are stones with color and clarity that make them suitable for jewelry or investment use. These stones are especially rare and make up a minor portion of worldwide diamond production. Gemstone diamonds are sold for their beauty and quality.

Industrial diamonds are mostly used in cutting, grinding, drilling and polishing procedures. Here, hardness and heat conductivity characteristics are the qualities being purchased. Size and other measures of quality relevant to gemstones are not important. Industrial diamonds are often crushed to produce micron-sized abrasive powders. Large amounts of diamonds that are gemstone quality but too small to cut are sold into the industrial diamond trade.

Diamond as a Gemstone

Diamonds are the world's most popular gemstones. More money is spent on diamonds than on all other gemstones combined. Part of the reason for diamond's popularity is a result of its optical properties - or how it reacts with light. Other factors include fashion, custom and marketing.

Diamonds have a very high luster. The high luster is a result of a diamond reflecting a high percentage of the light that strikes its surface. This high luster is what gives diamonds their pleasing "sparkle".

Diamond also has a high dispersion. As white light passes through a diamond this high dispersion causes that light to separate into its component colors. Dispersion is what enables a prism to separate white light into the colors of the spectrum. This property of dispersion is what gives diamonds their colorful "fire".

Diamond Gemstone Quality

The quality of a diamond gemstone is primarily determined by four factors: color, cut, clarity and carats.

Color: Most gem quality diamonds range from colorless to yellow. The most highly regarded stones are those that are completely colorless. These are the ones sold for the highest prices. However, another category of diamond gemstone is increasing in popularity. These are the "fancy" diamonds, which occur in a variety of colors including, red, pink, yellow, purple, blue and green. The value of these stones is based upon their color intensity, rarity and popularity.

Cut: The quality of workmanship in a diamond has a large impact upon its quality. This influences not only the geometric appearance of the stone but also the stone's luster and fire. Ideal stones are perfectly polished to be highly reflective and emit a maximum amount of fire. The faceted faces are equal in size and identical in shape. And, the edges of each faceted face meets perfectly with each of its neighbors.

Clarity: The ideal diamond is free from internal flaws and inclusions (particles of foreign material within the stone). These detract from the appearance of the stone and interfere with the passage of light through the stone. When present in large numbers or sizes they can also reduce the strength of the stone.

Carat: Diamonds are sold by the carat (a unit of weight equal to 1/5th of a gram or 1/142nd of an ounce). Small diamonds cost less per carat than larger stones of equal quality. This is because very small stones are very common and large stones are especially rare.

Diamonds Used as an Abrasive

Because diamonds are very hard they are often used as an abrasive. Most industrial diamonds are used for these purposes. Small particles of diamond are embedded in a saw blade, a drill bit or a grinding wheel for the purpose of cutting, drilling or grinding. They might also be ground into a powder and made into a diamond paste that is used for polishing or for very fine grinding.

There is a very large market for industrial diamonds. Demand for them exceeds the supply obtained through mining. Synthetic diamonds are being produced to meet this industrial demand. They can be produced at a low cost per carat and perform well in industrial use.

Other Uses of Diamonds

Most industrial diamonds are used as abrasives. However, small amounts of diamond are used in other applications.

Diamond windows
are made from thin diamond membranes and used to cover openings in lasers, x-ray machines and vacuum chambers. They are transparent, very durable and resistant to heat and abrasion.

Diamond speaker domes
enhance the performance of high quality speakers. Diamond is a very stiff material and when made into a thin dome it can vibrate rapidly without the deformation that would degrade sound quality.

Heat sinks
are materials that absorb or transmit excess heat. Diamond has the highest thermal conductivity of any material. It is used to conduct heat away from the heat sensitive-parts of high performance microelectronics.

Low friction microbearings
are needed in tiny mechanical devices. Just as some watches have jewel bearings in their movements diamonds are used where extreme abrasion resistance and durability are needed.

Wear-resistant parts
can be produced by coating surfaces with a thin coating of diamond. In this process, diamond is converted into a vapor that deposits on the surface of parts prone to wear.

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Volcanic Ash

What is Volcanic Ash?

Volcanic ash consists of powder-size to sand-size particles of igneous rock material that have been blown into the air by an erupting volcano (see image at right). The term is used for the material while it is in the air, after it falls to the ground and sometimes after it has been lithified into rock. The terms "volcanic dust" and "volcanic ash" are both used for the same material, however "volcanic dust" is more appropriately used for powder-size material.
Properties of Volcanic Ash

At first glance, volcanic ash looks like a soft, harmless powder (see image at right). Instead, volcanic ash is a rock material with a hardness of about 5+ on the Mohs Hardness Scale. It is composed of irregularly-shaped particles with sharp, jagged edges (see image at right). Combine the high hardness with the irregular particle shape and volcanic ash can be an abrasive material. This gives these tiny particles the ability to damage aircraft windows, be an eye irritant, cause unusual wear on moving parts of equipment that they come in contact with and cause many other problems discussed below in the "Impact of Volcanic Ash" section.

Volcanic ash particles are very small in size and have a vesicular structure with numerous cavities (see image at right). This gives them a relatively low density for a rock material. This low density, combined with the very small particle size allows volcanic ash to be carried high into the atmosphere by an eruption and carried long distances by the wind. Volcanic ash can cause problems a long distance from the erupting volcano.

Volcanic ash particles are insoluble in water. When they become wet they form a slurry or a mud that can make highways and runways slick. Wet volcanic ash can dry into a solid, concrete-like mass. This enables it to plug storm sewers and stick in the fur of animals that are in the open when ash falls at the same time as rain.

Ash Eruptions and Ash Columns

Some magmas contain enormous amounts of dissolved gas under very high pressures. When an eruption occurs the confining pressure on these gases is suddenly released and they expand rapidly, rushing from the volcanic vent and carrying small bits of magma with them. Ground water near a magma chamber can be flashed into steam with the same result. These are the source of ash particles for some eruptions. The enormous quantity of hot, escaping, expanding gas rushing from the vent can drive an eruption column of ash and hot gases high into the air.

The image at right shows a portion of the ash column produced by the May, 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens. In that eruption, the explosive release of hot volcanic gases into the atmosphere produced a column of rising tephra, volcanic gases and entrained air that rose to an altitude of 22 kilometers in less than ten minutes. Then, strong prevailing winds carried the ash to the east at about 100 kilometers per hour. In less than four hours, ash was falling on the city of Spokane about 400 kilometers away from the vent. Two weeks later dust from the eruption had been carried around the Earth.

The Mount St. Helens eruption was exceptional in its size and intensity. A more typical ash release is shown in the image at the top right of this page. In that image, Cleveland Volcano, located on Chuginadak Island in the Aleutian Island Chain of Alaska, releases a small ash plume that within minutes detatches from the volcano and is carried away by the wind.

Ash Plumes, Ashfalls and Ash Fields:

Once ash is released into the air by a volcano, the wind has an opportunity to move it. This movement, along with air turbulence, work to distribute the suspended ash over a broad area. These clouds of ash being moved by the wind are known as ash plumes. An image at below right shows an ash plume produced by the eruption of Chaitén Volcano in southern Chile on May 3, 2008. This plume begins in Chile, crosses Argentina and extends hundreds of kilometers out over the Atlantic Ocean, spreading out as it travels.

As an ash plume moves away from the volcanic vent it no longer has the rush of escaping gases to support it. The unsupported ash particles begin to fall out. The largest ash particles fall out first and the smaller particles remain suspended longer. This can produce an ashfall deposit on the ground below the ash plume. These ashfall deposits are generally thickest near the vent and thin with distance. A map showing the ash distribution from the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens is shown at right.
An ash field is a geographic area where the ground has been blanketed by the fallout of an ash plume. An image at below right shows an ash field east of Chaitén Volcano in southern Chile from May, 2008. The white groundcover of ash can clearly be seen.

The Impact of Volcanic Ash:

Volcanic ash presents numerous hazards to people, property, machinery, communities and the environment. Several of these are detailed below.

Impact on Human Health :

People exposed to falling ash or living in the dusty environment after an ash fall can suffer a number of problems. Respiratory problems include nose and throat irritation, coughing, bronchitis-like illness and discomfort while breathing. These can be reduced with the use of high-efficiency dust masks but exposure to the ash should be avoided if possible.

Long term problems might include the development of a disease known as "silicosis" if the ash has a significant silica content. The U.S. National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health recommends specific types of masks for those exposed to volcanic ash. Anyone who already suffers from problems such as bronchitis, emphysema, or asthma should avoid exposure.

Dry volcanic ash can stick to a moist human eye and the tiny ash particles quickly cause eye irritation. This problem is most severe among people who wear contact lenses. Some skin irritation is reported by people in ashfall areas, however, the number of cases and their severity are low.

Impact on Agriculture:

Livestock suffer the same eye and respiratory problems that were described above for humans. Animals that feed by grazing could become unable to eat if the ash covers their food source. Those who eat from an ash-covered food source often suffer from a number of illnesses. Farmers in ashfall areas may need to provide supplementary feed to their animals, evacuate them or send them to early slaughter.

An ashfall of just a few millimeters usually does not cause severe damage to pastures and crops. However, thicker ash accumulations can damage or kill plants and pasture. Thick accumulations can damage the soil by killing microphytes and blocking the entry of oxygen and water. This can result in a sterile soil condition.

Impact on Buildings:

Dry ash weighs about ten times the density of fresh snow. A thick ashfall on the roof of a building can overload it and cause it to collapse (see image at below right). Most buildings are not designed to support this additional weight.

Immediately after a heavy ashfall one of the priority jobs is clearing the ash from the roofs of buildings. If rain falls before the ash is removed it can be absorbed by the ash and increase the weight. Wet ash can have a density of twenty times that of fresh snow.

Volcanic ash can fill the gutters on a building and clog the downspouts. The ash alone can be very heavy and if it becomes wet from rain the weight will often pull gutters from houses. Ash in combination with water can be corrosive to metal roofing materials. Wet ash is also a conductor and when accumulated around the external electrical elements of a building it can lead to serious injury or damage.

Air conditioners and air-handling systems can fail or be damaged if their filters are clogged or their vents are covered by volcanic ash. Moving parts on equipment can be worn rapidly if abrasive ash gets between them.

Impact on Appliances:

Fine ash and dust can infiltrate into buildings and cause problems with appliances. The abrasive ash can produce unusual wear on the moving parts within electric motors. Vacuum cleaners, furnaces and computer systems are especially vulnerable because they process lots of air.

Impact on Communications:

Volcanic ash can have an electrical charge that interferes with radio waves and other broadcasts transmitted througth the air. Radio, telephone and GPS equipment may not be able to send or receive signals with an erupting volcano nearby. The ash can also damage physical facilities such as the wires, towers, buildings and equipment needed to support communications.

Impact on Power Generating Facilities:

Volcanic ash can cause a shutdown of power generating facilities. These facilities are sometimes turned off to avoid damage from the ash. They can remain down until the ash has been removed. This protects essential equipment from failure but disrupts power service for millions of people.

Impact on Ground Transportation:

The initial impact upon transportation is a limit on visibility. The ash fills the air and blocks sunlight. It can be as dark as night in the middle of the day. The ash also covers road markings. Just one millimeter of ash can obscure the center and baselines of a highway.

Another impact is on cars. They process enormous amounts of air which will contain volcanic dust and ash. This initially gets captured by the air filter but it can quickly be overwhelmed. Then abrasive dust goes into the engine to damage carefully machined parts and clog tiny openings.

Volcanic ash accumulates on the windshields of cars, creating a need to use the wipers. If the wipers are used the abrasive ash between the windshield and the wipers can scratch the window, sometimes producing a frosted surface that is impossible to see through.

Volcanic dust and ash covering the roads can result in a loss of traction. If the roads get wet the dry ash turns into a very slippery mud. Roads and streets must be shoveled as if a snow that does not melt has fallen.

Impact on Air Transportation:

Modern jet engines process enormous amounts of air. They pull air into the front of the engine and exhaust it out the back. If volcanic ash is pulled into a jet engine it can be heated to temperatures that are higher than the melting temperature of the ash. The ash can melt in the engine and the soft sticky product can adhere to the inside of the engine. This restricts airflow through the engine and adds weight to the plane.

Volcanic ash has led to engine failure on a few planes. Fortunately the pilots were able to land safely with their remaining engines. Today, volcanoes are monitored for signs of eruption and planes are routed around areas that might contain airborne ash.

Volcanic ash suspended in the air can have an abrasive effect on planes flying through it at hundreds of kilometers per hour. At these speeds, ash particles impacting the windshield can sandblast the surface into a frosted finish that obscures the pilot's view. The sandblasting can also remove paint and pit metal on the nose and on the leading edges of wings and navigation equipment.

At airports the same problems are encountered with runways as are seen on roads. The markings on runways can be covered with ash. Planes can lose traction upon landing and take-off. And, the ash must be removed before operations return to normal.

The International Civil Aviation Organization recognized the need to keep pilots and air traffic controlers informed of volcanic hazards. To do that they worked with government agencies to establish several Volcanic Ash Advisory Centers. These centers monitor volcanic activity and report on ash plumes within their monitoring area.

Impact on Water Supply Systems:

Water supply systems can be impacted by ashfalls. Where a community utilizes an open water supply such as a river, reservoir or lake, the fallen ash will become a suspended material in the water supply which must be filtered out before use. Processing water with suspended abrasive ash can be damaging to pumps and filtration equipment.

The ash can also cause temporary changes in the chemistry of the water. Ash in contact with water can lower the pH and increase the concentration of ions leached from the ash material. These include: Cl, SO4, Na, Ca, K, Mg, F and many others.

Impact on Waste Water Systems:

Ash falling on city streets will immediately enter the storm sewer system. If ash-laden sewer water is processed the suspended ash can overload equipment and filters and cause damage to pumps and valves. It also becomes a disposal problem. Mud or slurry of ash can harden into a material similar to concrete.

Planning for Volcanic Ash

Communities located near or downwind of volcanoes with a potential of producing ash eruptions should consider the potential impact of volcanic ash and plan for ways to deal with it and minimize its impact. It is much easier to become educated about a problem and take action in advance than it is to face an enormous problem without warning.
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Earthquake in Papua, Indonesia

In the early morning hours of January 4, 2009, a pair of powerful earthquakes rattled Papua, Indonesia. The first earthquake, a magnitude 7.6 event, hit at 4:43 a.m., local time. The second, a 7.4 magnitude quake, followed at 7:33 a.m. The earthquakes damaged more than 800 buildings in Manokwari, the city nearest their epicenters, said the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs on January 5. Five people died and approximately 250 were injured during the quakes, reported the UN.

The locations of the two earthquakes and the cluster of smaller associated quakes are illustrated in this image, which shows the topography of the island and the nearby seafloor. The region is geologically complex, says the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and that complexity is reflected in the image. On a large scale, the slab of Earth’s crust that contains the Pacific Ocean is moving southwest into the plate that carries Australia and Papua at a rate of about 112 millimeters per year, says the USGS. The Pacific plate slips under the Australia plate, creating a series of deep trenches on the sea floor where the plates meet.

The January 4 earthquakes, said the USGS, occurred in the region where the Pacific plate sinks below the Australia plate—a subduction zone. The subduction zone in this region is defined by the deep New Guinea trench north of Papua. The trench is the line of dark blue north of the earthquakes’ epicenters, where the depth of the ocean plummets. Though the earthquakes did not occur on the trench fault, they were likely associated with the large-scale motion of the Pacific plate sinking beneath the Australia plate, said the USGS.

More of the geologic complexity of the region is illustrated by the transform fault immediately south of the earthquake zone. A transform fault is a fracture in the Earth’s surface that forms along the edge of two plates moving horizontally past one another. The San Andres fault in California is probably the most famous transform fault. Papua’s transform fault is visible in the topography of the island. Since one side of the fault is higher than the other, a ridge line defines the fault.

If the Pacific plate is moving under the Australia plate, why is there a transform fault? In reality, the boundary between the two plates consists of a number of smaller plates that accommodate the motion of the larger plates. The smaller plates move more or less in concert with the larger plates, but create a messy mishmash of geologic structures associated with a variety of tectonic motions. The Papua region is a jigsaw of underwater trenches, ridges, and fault lines.

2. Earthquake Hazards Program. (2009, January 4). Magnitude 7.6 near the north coast of Papua, Indonesia. United States Geological Survey. Accessed January 9, 2009.
3. Earthquake Hazards Program. (2009, January 4). Magnitude 7.4 near the north coast of Papua, Indonesia. United States Geological Survey. Accessed January 9, 2009.
4. United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. (2009, January 5). Indonesia: Earthquake West Papua Province OCHA field situation report no. 2. Published on ReliefWeb. Accessed January 9, 2009.
5. United States Geological Survey. Understanding plate motions. This Dynamic Earth. Accessed January 9, 2009.

NASA image created by Jesse Allen, using earthquake and plate tectonics data from the USGS Earthquake Hazard Program, elevation data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) courtesy of the University of Maryland’s Global Land Cover Facility, and ocean bathmetry data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) ETOP1 global relief model of Earth’s surface. Caption by Holli Riebeek. (www.geology.com)
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Indonesia Tsunami Map

A great earthquake occurred at 00:58:53 (UTC) on Sunday, December 26, 2004. This 9.0+ magntide event was located off the west coast of Northern Sumatra as shown on the map below. This was the fourth largest earthquake in the world since 1900 and the largest since the 1964 Prince William Sound, Alaska earthquake. The tsunami caused more casualties than any other in recorded history. Over 150,000 people were killed, over 25,000 were missing and over 1,000,000 were displaced in South Asia and East Africa. At least 110,229 people were killed in Indonesia, 30,922 people in Sri Lanka, 10,749 in India, 5,303 in Thailand, 150 in Somalia, 81 in Maldives, 68 in Malaysia, 59 in Myanmar, 10 in Tanzania, 3 in Seychelles, 2 in Bangladesh and 1 in Kenya.

Tsunami Earthquake Map

The map below shows the location of this earthquake and some of the many aftershocks. It occurred at a convergent boundary where the Indian plate subducts beneath the Burma Plate.

Tsunami Epicenter Map

Prior to this earthquake the Indian Plate was moving beneath the Burma Plate, meeting resistance and compressional forces accumulated. When the fault between these two plates suddenly slipped a rupture approximately 1,200 kilometers long developed in the ocean floor with a vertical displacement of about 15 meters. The boundary between the plates and the line of failure are shown on the map below as the blue saw-tooth line.

Tsunami Travel Time Map

The tsunami produced by the earthquake traveled across the Indian Ocean causing significant damage. A modeled travel time map for this event is shown below. Note how the wave traveled across the Indian Ocean, striking India within about two hours and Aftica about 6 hours later.

Tsunamis Wave Height Map

The modeled tsunami wave height map below shows the maximum heights that the wave likely reached when it came ashore. The coastline of Sumatra, near the earthquake event, received waves over 10 meters tall. Areas farther away such as Sri Lanka and Thailand were struck by waves over 4 meters tall. On the other side of the Indian Ocean, Somalia and the Seychelles here struck by waves approximately 4 meters in height.
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The bizarre mechanics of a Leda clay landslide

A Leda clay landslide, such as the one that killed 34 people in Notre-Dame-de-la-Salette, is a strange and frightful natural phenomenon.

Carleton University professor emeritus Kenneth Torrance, a soil scientist, says he remains in awe of Leda clay landslides after more than 30 years of studying them.

"They are utterly astonishing," he says. "The material essentially turns liquid and the debris -- the failed material -- flows away."

The mechanics of a Leda clay landslide almost defy imagination: the soil beneath the ground's weathered crust can suddenly run like water, carrying earthen slabs, rocks, trees and houses at terrific speed. The landslide can feed upon itself. Leda clay is so sensitive that the initial slide can trigger a progressive series of failures in the clay belt that can consume acres of flat land behind the original collapse.

"There's a domino effect," explains Jan Aylsworth, a research scientist and Leda clay expert with the Geological Survey of Canada.

Some landslides have eaten up more than 40 acres. Many slides stop only when enough soil has piled up to dam the flow of Leda clay.

These landslides -- they're also known as quick clay slides -- often cause secondary flooding. In Notre Dame-De-La-Salette, for instance, the slide crashed through the frozen surface of the du Lièvre, blocked the river, and flooded the town with water, debris and ice.

That disaster is one of an estimated 250 landslides that have occurred within 60 kilometres of Ottawa, according to the Geological Survey of Canada. Those landslides have occurred over the past 7,000 years within the footprint of the ancient Champlain Sea.

And in order to understand the curious mechanics of a Leda slide, it's necessary to visit that ancient history.

Leda clay deposits are a legacy of the Champlain Sea that once stretched from Pembroke to Quebec City. The clay is composed mostly of silt: fine rock particles ground from the Canadian Shield by glaciers that once covered the area. When those heavy glaciers retreated, the Atlantic Ocean flooded the resulting depression of land, and the rock particles mixed with the salt water of the new inland sea.

The powdery rock clumped together with salt particles and sank to the sea floor. The powdery particles, shaped like flakes and plates, fell on each other randomly, like so much smashed masonry. (The salt served to ensure that individual particles did not strongly repel one another by virtue of their negative electric charges.)

When the sea water drained from the Ottawa and St. Lawrence valleys about 10,000 years ago, a thick layer of sediment was left behind in many low-lying areas. But that sediment gradually was leeched of its salt content by rain and meltwater.

The resulting Leda clay sediment is dangerous because, without the salt there to suppress the natural tendency of the particles to repel one another, bonds that are broken cannot be reformed, says Professor Kenneth Torrance.

"If they're not being reformed, you get then progressive failure of bonds," says Mr. Torrance. "You will continue to break the weakest bonds until the stuff goes liquid."

Essentially, says Ms. Aylsworth, Leda clay has such a porous and watery structure that it is prone to collapse when saturated, pressured or, as in the case of an earthquake, shaken. Leda clay can derive up to 60 per cent of its weight from water.

"It is inherently unstable," she explains, "and if something disturbs it, the structure collapses: it liquifies."

Landslides can be triggered by high rivers that erode and saturate Leda clay slopes, or by meltwater and rain that destabilize a deposit. Construction projects can also destroy the integrity of a Leda clay slope. Often, the disturbances happen in concert.

The majority of quick clay landslides occur in April and May when rivers are high and the ground sodden. In the last century, at least 23 major landslides have occurred between Ottawa and Quebec City that can be blamed on the sensitive marine clay.

In May, 1971, 31 people died in Saint-Jean-Vianney, Que., when a Leda clay slide swept away a bridge and 40 homes. The rest of the town was declared uninhabitable and relocated.

In 1991, the town of Lemieux, east of Ottawa on the South Nation River, was also abandoned after testing showed it was at risk because of Leda clay. Two years later, a 17-hectare swath of land adjacent to the town slid into the river when the clay suddenly liquefied.

"Leda clay," says Ms. Aylsworth, "is a really fascinating substance -- it's quite unique -- but it can also be deadly."

© (c) CanWest MediaWorks Publications Inc.
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Jumat, 30 Oktober 2009

Iowa, Illinois and Missouri Flooding is Visible from Space Levee Breaks and Overtoppings Flood Large Areas

In early June, 2008 the United States Midwest was hit by a steady string of rainstorms. The precipitation completely saturated the ground and produced record flooding in many parts of Iowa, Illinois, Missouri and other Midwestern states. Flooding was severe enough to exceed 500-year levels in several areas.

The damage caused by the flooding was very high. At least 24 people were killed and nearly 200 injured. Billions of dollars worth of homes and businesses were destroyed. Flooding of spring crops caused billions of lost dollars for Midwest farmers.

Along these flooding rivers many levees were breached and many were overtopped. Although the flooding result is the same in both of these situations they are different types of problems. In the case of a breach an engineered structure failed but in the case of an overtopping the structure was successful but the flood waters exceeded its design height. In both cases people who had homes, farms and businesses behind the levee thought that they were protected but suddenly they were not.

The graph at right is a stage hydrograph from a United States Geological Survey gaging station on the Mississippi River near Hannibal, Missouri. It shows the height of the Mississippi River in feet on the vertical axis and the date on the horizontal axis. Flood level is marked on the hydrograph as a red horizontal line at a gage height of about sixteen feet.

This hydrograph clearly shows the severity and duration of flooding in the Hannibal area. It shows that the Mississippi River reached flood level on the morning of June 4. The river then kept rising for over two full weeks. During that time it reached a gage height of almost thirty feet - a height of nearly fourteen feet above flood stage.

Although the cause of the flooding is different, this type of inundation is just as damaging as what was experienced by New Orleans as a result of Hurricane Katrina.


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Uses of Granite

Granite is one of the most popular building materials. It has been used for thousands of years in both interior and exterior applications. Granite dimension stone is used in buildings, bridges, paving, monuments and many other exterior projects. Indoors, polished granite slabs and tiles are used in countertops, tile floors, stair treads and many other design elements. Granite is a prestige material, used in projects to produce impressions of elegance and quality. Some interesting uses of granite are shown below.

Granite Countertops

One of the most familiar uses of granite in the United States is in kitchen countertops. The
countertop pictured above was made from a solid slab of granite that was cut to custom shape and edge-finished. Increased demand for granite countertops has inspired a large number of kitchen contractors to acquire the expertise and equipment to install them. As a result they can usually be ordered from and installed by a local dealer instead of a company located hundreds of miles away. For this product, increased demand has actually reduced the installed price to a level that is within reach of the average homeowner. Pictured above is a pink granite kitchen countertop. (Image by North Georgia Media © iStockphoto.com.)

Granite Building Stone

The building above was built with granite blocks. Granite blocks for construction can be rough on all sides or finished on one or more sides. In this photo, a combination of rough and finished granite surfaces produce an elegant appearance. Note how most of the blocks used in this wall have both rough and finished sides. This yields tightly fitting joints but a rough surface texture. However, blocks used at window sill and roofline levels are finished on all sides. Rough-cut blocks are the least expensive and provide a rugged appearance. Finishing the blocks is expensive but yields a more refined appearance. (Image by Jim Plumb © iStockphoto.com.)

Granite Facing Stone

In large construction projects granite can be used in two different ways: 1) as a structural element, and 2) as decorative facing or veneer. Both of these are shown in the Arlington Memorial Bridge over the Potomac River at Washington, D.C. above. Visible immediately above the water line in this photo are the large rectangular granite blocks that were used in the piers of the bridge. These blocks are a structural use of granite. The visible surface of the bridge above the piers is covered with a thin veneer of facing stone to provide an attractive appearance. (Image by Klaas Lingbeek-van Kranen © iStockphoto.com.)

Granite Paving Stone

Granite paving stones or "pavers" can make a colorful and interesting way of paving a driveway or patio. The beauty of natural stone, combined with expert craftsmanship and design can produce a unique and lasting result. In the past granite blocks were often used to pave city streets. However, concrete and asphalt have replaced most of this work because of the lower material and construction cost. (Image by Arkady Mazor © iStockphoto.com.)

Granite Curbing

Granite is often used as a street curbing. Curbs made from granite are more durable than those made of concrete. They also provide a more decorative appearance. (Image by Arkady Mazor © iStockphoto.com.)

Granite Monument

Granite does not need to be quarried to be used. Mount Rushmore, a granite monument in the Black Hills of South Dakota is a tribute to George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln that is carved directly into the mountain. (Image by Jonathan Larsen © iStockphoto.com.)
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Senin, 26 Oktober 2009

Humans Linked to Climate Change

Human-Caused Climate Change

A new NASA-led study shows human-caused climate change has made an impact on a wide range of Earth's natural systems, including permafrost thawing, plants blooming earlier across Europe, and lakes declining in productivity in Africa.

Cynthia Rosenzweig of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Science in New York and scientists at 10 other institutions have linked physical and biological impacts since 1970 with rises in temperatures during that period. The study, to be published May 15 in the journal Nature, concludes human-caused warming is resulting in a broad range of impacts across the globe.

"This is the first study to link global temperature data sets, climate model results, and observed changes in a broad range of physical and biological systems to show the link between humans, climate, and impacts," said Rosenzweig, lead author of the study.
Rosenzweig and colleagues also found the link between human-caused climate change and observed impacts on Earth holds true at the scale of individual continents, particularly in North America, Europe, and Asia.

To arrive at the link, the authors built and analyzed a database of more than 29,000 data series pertaining to observed impacts on Earth's natural systems. The data were collected from about 80 studies, each with at least 20 years of records between 1970 and 2004.

Observed impacts included changes to physical systems, such as glaciers shrinking, permafrost melting, and lakes and rivers warming. Biological systems also were impacted in a variety of ways, such as leaves unfolding and flowers blooming earlier in the spring, birds arriving earlier during migration periods, and plant and animal species moving toward Earth's poles and higher in elevation. In aquatic environments such as oceans, lakes, and rivers, plankton and fish are shifting from cold-adapted to warm-adapted communities.

The team conducted a "joint attribution" study. They showed that at the global scale, about 90 percent of observed changes in diverse physical and biological systems are consistent with warming. Other driving forces, such as land use change from forest to agriculture, were ruled out as having significant influence on the observed impacts.

Next, the scientists conducted statistical tests and found the spatial patterns of observed impacts closely match temperature trends across the globe, to a degree beyond what can be attributed to natural variability. The team concluded observed global-scale impacts are very likely because of human-caused warming.

"Humans are influencing climate through increasing greenhouse gas emissions," Rosenzweig said. "The warming is causing impacts on physical and biological systems that are now attributable at the global scale and in North America, Europe, and Asia."

On some continents, including Africa, South America, and Australia, documentation of observed changes in physical and biological systems is still sparse despite warming trends attributable to human causes. The authors concluded environmental systems on these continents need additional research, especially in tropical and subtropical areas where there is a lack of impact data and published studies.

The information above was published as a NASA news release in May, 2008.
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Kamis, 22 Oktober 2009

Stromboli - Italy

Stromboli is one of the most active volcanoes on Earth and has been erupting almost continuously since 1932. Because it has been active for much of the last 2,000 years and its eruptions are visible for long distances at night, it is known as the "Lighthouse of the Mediterranean". It is among the world's most visited volcanoes.

Stromboli is widely known for its spectacular eruptions which jet fountains of molten rock from its lava-filled central crater. Because these eruptions are so distinctive and well known, geologists use the word "Strombolian" to clearly describe similar eruptive activity at other volcanoes.

Stromboli forms the northeastern-most of the Aeolian islands. Its base begins over 1000 meters below the surface of the Tyrrhenian Sea and it rises to an elevation of 924 meters above sea level.
Stromboli: Plate Tectonic Setting

Like Mount Etna on the island of Sicily, Stromboli is a part of the Calabrian volcanic arc. The volcanoes of the Calabrian arc are associated with the subduction of the African tectonic plate under the Eurasian plate. Stromboli is located on a NE-SW trending fault system, but the mechanisms which feed the volcano’s magma chamber, and their relationship to the fault system, are poorly understood.

Stromboli: Eruption History

Activity at Stromboli has been recorded by historians for more than 1,000 years, and varies from mild degassing to lava flows to violent explosive eruptions. Records from 1907 indicate that one explosion was strong enough to shatter windows in the island’s villages, and strong explosions in 1930 were associated with an earthquake that also created a small tsunami. The most recent eruption began in 1932, and has continued essentially uninterrupted since then. Periodically, Stromboli’s eruptive style transitions and vents near the summit produce lava flows that are funneled by the Sciara del Fuoco to the sea; the most recent of these occurred in 2002 and 2007. One theory that has been suggested to explain the transition is that the magma in Stromboli’s summit conduit occasionally forces open dikes on the NW flank, and is erupted as lava flows rather than through gas-driven explosions.

About the Author

Jessica Ball is a graduate student in the Department of Geology at the State University of New York at Buffalo. Her concentration is in volcanology, and she is currently researching lava dome collapses and pyroclastic flows. Jessica earned her Bachelor of Science degree from the College of William and Mary, and worked for a year at the American Geological Institute in the Education/Outreach Program. She also writes the Magma Cum Laude blog, and in what spare time she has left, she enjoys rock climbing and playing various stringed instruments.
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Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009

Government offering 15 geothernal fields for power bids

Benget Besalicto Tnb. , The Jakarta Post , Jakarta

The government is to soon offer 15 geothermal fields up for power development tenders expected to generate a total of about 1,500 MW (megawatts) of electricity requiring a total investment of US$ 4.5 billion.

Bambang Setiawan, the Director General of Mineral, Coal and Geothermal at the ministry of energy and mineral resources, said Monday the tenders would be organized by regional governments where the projects are located.

The 15 fields are Seulawah Agam in Aceh Besar regency, Telaga ngebel in Ponorogo (East Java), Gunung Ungaran in Central Java, Jaboi in Sabang (Aceh), Gunung Talang in Solok (West Sumatra), Blawan Ijen in East Java, Hu'u Daha in Nusa Tenggara Barat, Sipoholon Ria-ria in North Sumatra, Bukit Kili in West Sumatra, Sorik Marapi-Roburan-Sampuraga in North Sumatra, Marana in Central Sulawesi, Songa Wayaua in South Halmahera, Atadei in Nusa Tenggara Timur, Suwawa in Gorontalo province, and Kaldera Danau Banten.

The 15 fields are among the 20 fields scheduled to be offered for tenders this year.

The other five fields, namely Jailolo field in West Halmahera (Maluku) with a potential capacity of 75 MW, Gunung Tampomas field in Sumedang and Subang (West Java) with 50 MW, Cisolok Cisukarame in Sukabumi (West Java) with 45 MW, Gunung Tangkuban Perahu in Subang, Bandung and Purwakarta (West Java) with 100 MW, and Sokoria in Ende with 30 MW, have been recently auctioned to investors.

But Yunus Saefulhak, the head of the sub-directorate of geothermal services and groundwater management at the ministry, said the government could not yet name the companies as they had yet to mobilize the funds to do these projects, as required by existing regulations.

Asked about the total investment needed for the development of these geothermal fields, he noted the production of one megawatt would require an average investment of between $2.5 million to $3 million.

In addition to the 20 fields, the government has awarded an initial survey order for six geothermal fields to three foreign companies.

After completing the surveys, the government will decide whether to give them a working area permit (WKP) status, regarded as leading potentially to exploration, before being offered the chance to bid.

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Minggu, 18 Oktober 2009

Geologic Time Scale A Time Line for the Geological Sciences

Geologists have divided Earth's history into a series of time intervals. These time intervals are not equal in length like the hours in a day. Instead the time intervals are variable in length. This is because geologic time is divided using significant events in the history of the Earth. For example, the boundary between the Permian and Triassic is marked by a global extinction in which a large percentage of Earth's plant and animal species were eliminated. Another example is the boundary between the Precambrian and the Paleozoic which is marked by the first appearance of animals with hard parts.

Eons are the largest intervals of geologic time and are hundreds of millions of years in duration. In the time scale above you can see the Phanerozoic Eon is the most recent eon and began more than 500 million years ago. Eons are divided into smaller time intervals known as eras. In the time scale above you can see that the Phanerozoic is divided into three eras: Cenozoic, Mesozoic and Paleozoic. Very significant events in Earth's history are used to determine the boundaries of the eras.

Eras are subdivided into periods. The events that bound the periods are wide-spread in their extent but are not as significant as those which bound the eras. In the time scale above you can see that the Paleozoic is subdivided into the Permian, Pennsylvanian, Mississippian, Devonian, Silurian, Ordovician and Cambrian periods.

Finer subdivisions of time are possible and the periods of the Cenozoic are frequently subdivided into epochs. Subdivision of periods into epochs can be done only for the most recent portion of the geologic time scale. This is because older rocks have been buried deeply, intensely deformed and severely modified by long-term earth processes. As a result, the history contained within these rocks can not be as clearly interpreted.

Our geologic time scale was constructed to visually show the duration of each time unit. This was done by making a linear time line on the left side of the time columns. Thicker units such as thee Proterozoic were longer in duration than thinner units such as the Cenozoic. We also have a printable version of the Geologic Time Scale as a Microsoft Word document.

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Active Volcanoes of Our Solar System

Volcanoes Are Not Confined to Earth

Evidence of past volcanic activity has been found on most planets in our solar system and on many of their moons. Here are a few examples: our own moon has vast areas covered with ancient lava flows; the largest volcano in the solar system is Olympus Mons on Mars; and, hundreds of volcanic features have been mapped on the surface of Venus.

The examples listed above and most volcanic features discovered within our solar system formed millions of years ago - when our solar system was younger and the planets and moons had much higher internal temperatures.

Observed recent eruptions are limited to Earth and three other locations: 1) Io, a moon of Jupiter; 2) Triton, a moon of Neptune; and, 3) Enceladus, a moon of Saturn.

What is an Active Volcano?

The term "active volcano" is used mainly in reference to Earth's volcanoes. Active volcanoes are ones that are currently erupting or that have erupted at some time in human history.
This definition works well for volcanoes on Earth because we can observe them easily. However, beyond Earth our abilities to detect volcanic eruptions did not begin until the invention of powerful telescopes. Today a number of telescopes are available to detect these eruptions - if they are large enough. However small eruptions would not be noticed and there are not enough telescopes to watch all areas of the solar system where a volcanic activity might occur.
Although only a few extraterrestrial eruptions have been detected, much has been learned about them. Perhaps the most important discovery is the ones that have been observed so far are very different from volcanoes that occur on Earth. They are cryovolcanoes.
What is a Cryovolcano?

Most people define the word "volcano" as an opening in Earth's surface through which molten rock material, gases and ash escape. This definition works well for Earth, however, some bodies in our solar system have a significant amount of gas in their compsition. Planets near the sun are rocky and when they were active would most likely have produced silicate rock magmas similar to those seen on earth. However, planets beyond Mars and their moons contain significant quantities of gas in addition to silicate rocks. The volcanoes in this part of our solar system are often cryovolcanoes. Instead of erupting molten rock they erupt cold or frozen gases such as water, ammonia or methane.
Jupiter's Moon Io - The Most Active

Io is the most volcanically active body in our solar system. This surprises most people because Io's great distance from the sun and it's icy surface make it seem like a very cold place.

However, Io is a very tiny moon that is enormously influenced by the gravity of the giant planet Jupiter. The gravitational attraction of Jupiter and its other moons exert such strong "pulls" on Io that it deforms continuously from strong internal tides. These tides produce a tremendous amount of internal friction. This friction heats the moon, and enables the intense volcanic activity.

Io has hundreds of volcanic vents, some of which blast jets of frozen vapor and "volcanic snow" hundreds of miles high into its atmosphere (see animated image above). These gases could be the sole product of these eruptions or there could be some associated silicate rock or molten sulfer present. The areas around these vents show evidence that they have been "resurfaced" with a flat layer of new material. These resurfaced areas are the dominant surface feature of the moon. The very small number of impact craters compared to other bodies in the solar system is evidence of Io's continuous volcanic activity.
Triton - The First Discovered

Cryovolcanoes were first observed in 1989 when Voyager 2 made a flyby of Neptune's moon Triton. Since then evidence of additional cryovolcanoes has been found in the south polar region of this moon.
Enceladus - The Best Documented

Cryovolcanoes on Enceladus were documented by the Cassini spacecraft in 2005. The spacecraft imaged jets of icy particles venting from the south polar region. This made Enceladus the fourth body in the solar system with confirmed volcanic activity. The spacecraft actually flew through a cryovolcanic plume and documented its composition to be mainly water vapor with minor amounts of nitrogen, methane and carbon dioxide.

One theory for the mechanism behind the cryovolcanism (see image above) is that subsurface pockets of pressurized water exist a short distance (perhaps as little as a few tens of meters) beneath the moon's surface. This water is kept in the liquid state by the tidal heating of the moon's interior. Occasionally these pressurised waters vent to the surface, producing a plume of water vapor and ice particles.

Evidence for Activity

The most direct evidence that can be obtained to document volcanic activity on extraterrestrial bodies is to see or image the eruption taking place. The animated image of Io's eruption above is an example of this type of documentation.

One other type of evidence is a change in the body's surface. An eruption can produce a ground cover of debris or a resurfacing. The before and after images at right shows a region of Io where a resurfacing event has occurred. Without such direct observations it can be difficult from Earth to know if the volcanism is recent or ancient.

More Volcanism / Cryovolcanism Will Probably Be Discovered

Cryovolcanoes on Enceladus were not discovered until 2005 and an exhaustive search has not been done across the solar system for this activity. In fact, some believe that volcanic activity on our close neighbor Venus still occurs but is hidden beneath the dense cloud cover. It is also very likely, perhaps probable, that active volcanoes or cryovolcanoes will be discovered on moons of icy planets in the outer portions of our solar system such as Europa, Ganymede, Titan or Miranda.

This is an exciting time to watch space exploration!
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Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2009

Dark Matter in a Galaxy Supercluster

What is Dark Matter?

Astronomers are using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope to dissect one of the largest structures in the universe as part of a quest to understand the violent lives of galaxies. Hubble is providing indirect evidence of unseen dark matter tugging on galaxies in the crowded, rough-and-tumble environment of a massive supercluster of hundreds of galaxies.

Dark matter is an invisible form of matter that accounts for most of the universe's mass. Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys has mapped the invisible dark matter scaffolding of the supercluster Abell 901/902, as well as the detailed structure of individual galaxies embedded in it.

The images are part of the Space Telescope Abell 901/902 Galaxy Evolution Survey (STAGES), which covers one of the largest patches of sky ever observed by the Hubble telescope. The area surveyed is so wide that it took 80 Hubble images to cover the entire STAGES field. The new work is led by Meghan Gray of the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom and Catherine Heymans of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, along with an international team of scientists.

Building a Dark Matter Map

The Hubble study pinpointed four main areas in the supercluster where dark matter has pooled into dense clumps, totaling 100 trillion times the Sun's mass. These areas match the location of hundreds of old galaxies that have experienced a violent history in their passage from the outskirts of the supercluster into these dense regions. These galaxies make up four separate galaxy clusters.

"Thanks to Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys, we are detecting for the first time the irregular clumps of dark matter in this supercluster," Heymans said. "We can even see an extension of the dark matter toward a very hot group of galaxies that are emitting X-rays as they fall into the densest cluster core."

The Galaxy Environment

The dark matter map was constructed by measuring the distorted shapes of over 60,000 faraway galaxies. To reach Earth, the galaxies' light traveled through the dark matter that surrounds the supercluster galaxies and was bent by the massive gravitational field. Heymans used the observed, subtle distortion of the galaxies' shapes to reconstruct the dark matter distribution in the supercluster using a method called weak gravitational lensing. The dark matter map is 2.5 times sharper than a previous ground-based survey of the supercluster.

"The new map of the underlying dark matter in the supercluster is one key piece of this puzzle," Gray explained. "At the same time we're looking in detail at the galaxies themselves." The survey's broader goal is to understand how galaxies are influenced by the environment in which they live.

On Earth, the pace of quiet country life is vastly different from the hustle of the big city. In the same way, galaxies living lonely isolated lives look very different from those found in the most crowded regions of the universe, like a supercluster. "We've known for a long time that galaxies in crowded environments tend to be older, redder, and rounder than those in the field," Gray said. "Galaxies are continually drawn into larger and larger groups and clusters by the inevitable force of gravity as the universe evolves."

Galaxy Collisions

In such busy environments galaxies are subject to a life of violence: high-speed collisions with other galaxies; the stripping away of gas, the fuel supply they use to form new stars; and distortion due to the strong gravitational pull of the underlying invisible dark matter. "Any or all of these effects may play a role in the transformation of galaxies, which is what we're trying to determine," Gray said.

The STAGES survey's simultaneous focus on both the big picture and the details can be likened to studying a big city. "It's as if we're trying to learn everything we can about New York City and New Yorkers," Gray explained. "We're examining large-scale features, like mapping the roads, counting skyscrapers, monitoring traffic. At the same time we're also studying the residents to figure out how the lifestyles of people living downtown differ from those out in the suburbs. But in our case the city is a supercluster, the roads are dark matter, and the people are galaxies."

Further results by other team members support this view. "In the STAGES supercluster we clearly see that transformations are happening in the outskirts of the supercluster, where galaxies are still moving relatively slowly and first feel the influence of the cluster environment," said Christian Wolf, an Advanced Research Fellow at the University of Oxford in the U.K.

Assistant professor Shardha Jogee and graduate student Amanda Heiderman, both of the University of Texas in Austin, concur. "We see more collisions between galaxies in the regions toward which the galaxies are flowing than in the centers of the clusters," Jogee said. "By the time they reach the center, they are moving too fast to collide and merge, but in the outskirts their pace is more leisurely, and they still have time to interact."

The STAGES team also finds that the outer parts of the clusters are where star formation in the galaxies is slowly switching off and where the supermassive black holes at the hearts of the galaxies are most active.

Added Heiderman: "The galaxies at the centers of the clusters may have been there for a long time and have probably finished their transformation. They are now old, round, red, and dead."

The team plans more studies to understand how the supercluster environment is responsible for producing these changes.

Abell 901/902 resides 2.6 billion light-years from Earth and measures more than 16 million light-years across.

Gray and Heymans presented their findings on in January 2008 at the 211th meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Austin, Texas. A science paper on their results has been accepted by the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

This work was supported by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (UK), NASA, the National Science Foundation Long Term Space Astrophysics (NASA LTSA) program, a Marie Curie Fellowship, a CITA National Fellowship, CIfAR, and CFI.

This information above and the images were published as a NASA news release in January, 2008.

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Kamis, 15 Oktober 2009

Hurricane Ike: Storm Surge Flooding Image of the Gulf Coast

This photo-like image of the Texas and Louisiana coasts shows the impact of Hurricane Ike’s powerful storm surge on coastal wetlands. Hurricane Ike came ashore over southeast Texas on September 13, 2008, bringing with it a wall of water that stretched from Galveston, Texas, across all of coastal Louisiana. The storm’s surge covered hundreds of kilometers of the Gulf Coast because Ike was a large storm, with tropical-storm-strength winds stretching more than four hundred kilometers from the center of the storm. The strongest storm surge devastated Galveston and the Bolivar Peninsula. Though it was not as hard hit, coastal Louisiana—still trying to dry out from Hurricane Gustav—suffered as well.

Most of the shoreline in this region is coastal wetland. The surge of ocean water from the Gulf pushed far inland, inundating the wetlands. The salty water burned the plants, leaving them wilted and brown. A strip of brown lines the coast for hundreds of kilometers. This line of brown corresponds with the location and extent of the wetlands. In places where the water lingers, the impact on the plants will be much greater than those areas simply washed by the surging salt water.

In other cases, the damage is physical, with plants washed away or marshland removed or shifted, says John Barras, a geographer with the USGS National Wetlands Research Center stationed at Louisiana State University. Apart from damaging wetland vegetation, the powerful tug of water returning to the Gulf of Mexico also stripped marsh vegetation and soil off the land. Some of the brown seen in the wetlands may be deposited sediment. Scientists don’t yet know how long it will take the wetlands to recover from the storm damage. The Louisiana wetlands have yet to recover from damage caused by Hurricanes Rita and Katrina in 2005, says Barras.

North of the brown line, the vegetation gradually transitions to pale green farmland and darker green natural vegetation untouched by the storm’s surge. A few fires, most of which are probably agricultural fires, are outlined in red.

The Gulf is also thick with sediment in this image. Plumes of brown pour from land as sediment-choked water continues to drain into the Gulf both from rivers and from the coast in general. The muddy water slowly diffuses, turning pale green, green, and finally blue as it blends with clearer water. The diagonal stripes in the water are an artifact of the satellite sensor.

The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Terra satellite captured this image on September 26, 2008, thirteen days after Ike came ashore. The image is available in multiple resolutions from the MODIS Rapid Response Team. NASA image courtesy Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS Rapid Response Team at NASA GSFC. Caption by Holli Riebeek.
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Senin, 05 Oktober 2009

Tsunami Geology - What Causes a Tsunami?

What causes a tsunami?... A tsunami is a large ocean wave that is caused by sudden motion on the ocean floor. This sudden motion could be an earthquake, a powerful volcanic eruption, or an underwater landslide. The impact of a large meteorite could also cause a tsunami. Tsunamis travel across the open ocean at great speeds and build into large deadly waves in the shallow water of a shoreline.

Subduction Zones are Potential Tsunami Locations

Most tsunamis are caused by earthquakes generated in a subduction zone, an area where an oceanic plate is being forced down into the mantle by plate tectonic forces. The friction between the subducting plate and the overriding plate is enormous. This friction prevents a slow and steady rate of subduction and instead the two plates become "stuck".

Accumulated Seismic Energy

As the stuck plate continues to descend into the mantle the motion causes a slow distortion of the overriding plage. The result is an accumulation of energy very similar to the energy stored in a compressed spring. Energy can accumulate in the overriding plate over a long period of time - decades or even centuries.

Earthquake Causes Tsunami

Energy accumulates in the overriding plate until it exceeds the frictional forces between the two stuck plates. When this happens, the overriding plate snaps back into an unrestrained position. This sudden motion is the cause of the tsunami - because it gives an enormous shove to the overlying water. At the same time, inland areas of the overriding plate are suddenly lowered

Tsunami Races Away From the Epicenter

The moving wave begins travelling out from where the earthquake has occurred. Some of the water travels out and across the ocean basin, and, at the same time, water rushes landward to flood the recently lowered shoreline.

Tsunamis Travel Rapidly Across Ocean Basis

Tsunamis travel swiftly across the open ocean. The map below shows how a tsunami produced by an earthquake along the coast of Chile in 1960 traveled across the Pacific Ocean, reaching Hawaii in about 15 hours and Japan in less than 24 hours.

Tsunami "Wave Train"

Many people have the mistaken belief that tsunamis are single waves. They are not. Instead tsunamis are "wave trains" consisting of multiple waves. The chart below is a tidal gauge record from Onagawa, Japan beginning at the time of the 1960 Chile earthquake. Time is plotted along the horizontal axis and water level is plotted on the vertical axis. Note the normal rise and fall of the ocean surface, caused by tides, during the early part of this record. Then recorded are a few waves a little larger than normal followed by several much larger waves. In many tsunami events the shoreline is pounded by repeated large waves.
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Expansive Soil and Expansive Clay The hidden force behind basement and foundation problems

What is an "Expansive Soil"?

Expansive soils contain minerals such as smectite clays that are capable of absorbing water. When they absorb water they increase in volume. The more water they absorb the more their volume increases. Expansions of ten percent or more are not uncommon. This change in volume can exert enough force on a building or other structure to cause damage.

Cracked foundations, floors and basement walls are typical types of damage done by swelling soils. Damage to the upper floors of the building can occur when motion in the structure is significant.

Expansive soils will also shrink when they dry out. This shrinkage can remove support from buildings or other structures and result in damaging subsidence. Fissures in the soil can also develop. These fissures can facilitate the deep penetration of water when moist conditions or runoff occurs. This produces a cycle of shrinkage and swelling that places repetitive stress on structures.

How Many Buildings are at Risk?

Expansive soils are present throughout the world and are known in every US state. Every year they cause billions of dollars in damage. The American Society of Civil Engineers estimates that 1/4 of all homes in the United States have some damage caused by expansive soils. In a typical year in the United States they cause a greater financial loss to property owners than earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and tornadoes combined.

Even though expansive soils cause enormous amounts of damage most people have never heard of them. This is because their damage is done slowly and can not be attributed to a specific event. The damage done by expansive soils is then attributed to poor construction practices or a misconception that all buildings experience this type of damage as they age.

Expandable, Shrink-Swell, Heavable Soils?

Expandable soils are referred to by many names. "Expandable soils", "expansive clays", "shrink-swell soils" and "heavable soils" are some of the many names used for these materials.

Expansive Soils Map

The map below shows the geographic distribution of soils which are known to have expandable clay minerals which can cause damage to foundations and structures. It also includes soils that have a clay mineral composition which can potentially cause damage.
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Minggu, 04 Oktober 2009

The San Andreas Fault

By David K. Lynch, Ph.D of ThuleScientific.com

The San Andreas Fault is the sliding boundary between the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate. It slices California in two from Cape Mendocino to the Mexican border. San Diego, Los Angeles and Big Sur are on the Pacific Plate. San Francisco, Sacramento and the Sierra Nevada are on the North American Plate. And despite San Francisco’s legendary 1906 earthquake, the San Andreas Fault does not go through the city. But communities like Desert Hot Springs, San Bernardino, Wrightwood, Palmdale, Gorman, Frazier Park, Daly City. Point Reyes Station and Bodega Bay lie squarely on the fault and are sitting ducks.

The San Andreas Fault is a transform fault. Imagine placing two slices of pizza on the table and sliding them past one another where they touch along a common straight edge. Bits of pepperoni from one side crumble across the boundary onto the anchovy side. The same thing happens with the fault, and the geology and landforms along the mighty rift are extremely complicated.

The plates are slowly moving past one another at a couple of inches a year - about the same rate that your fingernails grow. But this is not a steady motion, it is the average motion. For years the plates will be locked with no movement at all as they push against one another. Suddenly the built-up strain breaks the rock along the fault and the plates slip a few feet all at once. The breaking rock sends out waves in all directions and it is the waves that we feel as earthquakes.
In many places like the Carrizo Plain (San Luis Obispo County) and the Olema Trough (Marin County), the fault is easy to see as a series of scarps and pressure ridges. In other places, it is more subtle because the fault hasn’t moved in many years and is covered with alluvium, or overgrown with brush. In San Bernardino and Los Angeles Counties, many of the roads along the fault cut through great mountains of gouge, the powdery, crumbled rock that has been pulverized by the moving plates.

The hallmark of the San Andreas Fault is the different rocks on either side of it. Being about 28 million years old, rock from great distances have been juxtaposed against rocks from very different locations and origins. The Salinian block of granite in central and northern California originated in Southern California, and some even say northern Mexico. Pinnacles National Monument in Monterey County is only half of a volcanic complex, the other part being 200 miles southeast in Los Angeles County and is known as the Neenach Volcanics.

There are many myths and legends about the San Andreas Fault, the biggest being that it will one day crack and California will slide into the sea. WRONG! It won’t happen and it can’t happen. Nor is there any thing such as “earthquake weather” or preferred times of day when earthquakes hit.

The San Andreas Fault is more accessible than any other fault in the world. With California’s large population and temperate climate, there are many roads that snake along the fault. They are uncrowded and peaceful, perfect for family outings. There is abundant camping, bird watching, wild flowers and wildlife, rock collecting and natural beauty along the way. State and National parks are strung along the fault like beads on a string. All it takes is a good map, a comfortable car and a desire to see the world’s most famous fault.

About the Author

David K. Lynch, PhD, is an astronomer and planetary scientist living in Topanga, CA. When not hanging around the fault or using the large telescopes on Mauna Kea, he plays fiddle, collects rattlesnakes, gives public lectures on rainbows and writes books (Color and Light in Nature, Cambridge University Press) and essays. Dr. Lynch's latest book is the Field Guide to the San Andreas Fault. The book contains twelve one-day driving trips along different parts of the fault, and includes mile-by-mile road logs and GPS coordinates for hundreds of fault features. As it happens, Dave's house was destroyed in 1994 by the magnitude 6.7 Northridge earthquake.
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